How far along? 24 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: I have more or less maintained my weight. Monday morning I was up 17.6 lbs.....down from last week
Maternity clothes? Yes, and I would really like some new ones. However, I have better things to spend my money on
Stretch marks? Still on my right hip. I *think* I am starting to get one by my belly button. I am hopeful it's not really a stretch mark
Sleep: This week my sleep was OK
Best moment this week: I had my first baby dream. Up until now it has just been pregnancy dreams
Food cravings: Milk.....yep, milk. I haven't had a glass of milk since I was about 4 years old!
Gender: I don't care one way or the other but I still think it's a boy
Labor Signs: No!
Button in or out? In
What I miss: Not much this week. I am happy with the way things are
What I am looking forward to: I know I say this every week but hopefully this week we will start on the baby's room
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy this phase of pregnancy. It won't be too long before I will be uncomfortable!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
23 Week Poll!
Sorry, I have been MIA on my weekly polls. Mostly it was because I was in denial about the amount of weight I had gained. I have been doing better, as the past two weeks I have been able to maintain my weight.
How far along? 23 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: I am officially up 18.4 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, and I have had to retire a few pants that no longer fit!
Stretch marks? Yes. So far they are just on my right hip although I think they are getting deeper :(
Sleep: It's on and off. Most nights I get up to pee at 2:30 AM and can't fall back asleep
Best moment this week: I can now see the baby moving from the outside!! It's great to look down and see my belly jump!
Food cravings: Dr. Pepper......I have snuck a few lately (which is bad I know)
Gender: I am convinced it's a boy at this point
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Having motivation to work out
What I am looking forward to: Getting the baby's room finished
Weekly Wisdom: Don't eat too much crap!
How far along? 23 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: I am officially up 18.4 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, and I have had to retire a few pants that no longer fit!
Stretch marks? Yes. So far they are just on my right hip although I think they are getting deeper :(
Sleep: It's on and off. Most nights I get up to pee at 2:30 AM and can't fall back asleep
Best moment this week: I can now see the baby moving from the outside!! It's great to look down and see my belly jump!
Food cravings: Dr. Pepper......I have snuck a few lately (which is bad I know)
Gender: I am convinced it's a boy at this point
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Having motivation to work out
What I am looking forward to: Getting the baby's room finished
Weekly Wisdom: Don't eat too much crap!
Here is a picture of Jason and I in San Antonio this past weekend

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Aren't These the Cutest Things Ever??!
I think I am going to take up knitting. While searching one of my favorite blogs Spearmint Baby, I came across two of her post that included the cutest baby items ever!

The first item is a crocheted hat. If we are blessed with a baby girl I am TOTALLY going to dress her in this hat. It can be purchased from the Etsy seller Sparkle Berry Crafts:

The second item is knitted booties that are just adorable. They can be found on Josi Croche. Regardless of the sex, I HAVE to have these knitted All Stars.....if only I can find a place to buy them!!

I Had my 4th and Final Ultrasound Today.....
It was bittersweet to have my final ultrasound today. I was excited to see my baby once again but I also was sad to know that was my last peek at the baby until it's birthday. The ultrasound lasted for a total of 23 minutes but it was the best 23 minutes of my day! Jason and I were able to see our little one yawning and waving for the camera. The baby wasn't too active and the ultrasound tech mentioned that he/she was probably falling in and out of sleep. I am proud to say that our baby is growing, and as of today weighed 15 oz., just shy of 1 lbs.
For those of you who were waiting to hear the sex of the baby, you will have to wait a little while longer!! Jason and I didn't find out the sex. I am somewhat surprised we had the willpower to stay strong!!
After my ultrasound Jason and I meet with my doctor, Dr. Shoemaker. He assured me that my pregnancy is progressing as expected and I am right on track. I feel really comfortable with my doctor. He is great at putting my concerns at ease.
As I was pulling out of the parking lot I couldn't help but feel complete joy. It would be great if I could visit the doctor everyday and experience the euphoric high I get from the reassurance that things are on track. I then had to laugh to myself, pre-pregnancy I couldn't think of anything worse that having to visit my OB-GYN. Funny how things change.....
Here is some pics from my ultrasound. The first picture is the bottom of the baby's foot. It you look closely, five toes can be made out. The second picture is the profile of our beautiful baby!!

For those of you who were waiting to hear the sex of the baby, you will have to wait a little while longer!! Jason and I didn't find out the sex. I am somewhat surprised we had the willpower to stay strong!!
After my ultrasound Jason and I meet with my doctor, Dr. Shoemaker. He assured me that my pregnancy is progressing as expected and I am right on track. I feel really comfortable with my doctor. He is great at putting my concerns at ease.
As I was pulling out of the parking lot I couldn't help but feel complete joy. It would be great if I could visit the doctor everyday and experience the euphoric high I get from the reassurance that things are on track. I then had to laugh to myself, pre-pregnancy I couldn't think of anything worse that having to visit my OB-GYN. Funny how things change.....
Here is some pics from my ultrasound. The first picture is the bottom of the baby's foot. It you look closely, five toes can be made out. The second picture is the profile of our beautiful baby!!

Monday, August 3, 2009
This ALMOST Makes me Want to Find Out the Sex!!!
I came across this website searching the web and they sell the cutest baby clothes!!! Looking at all the adorable outfits ALMOST makes me want to find out the sex of our little one. But, I am determined to have will power and wait until December. 

The website is and I will definitely be visiting the store come December!!

The website is and I will definitely be visiting the store come December!!
Meet the Big Brother and Big Sisters!
Jason and I have three dogs that we treat like they are our own children. They are very spoiled but will make for a great big brother and sisters!
Age: Who knows, she is a stray that was dropped off at our house.
Hobbies: Jumping fences, cleaning Lucky and The Little Girl daily, chasing rabbits, going for rides in the car and pleasing Jason and I
How will she handle the baby: She will think she is the mama!! Lady is very nurturing and we will have nothing to worry about with her.

Age: Will be 6 in December. He is becoming an old man
Hobbies: Sleeping, pooping, cleaning his man parts (or lack thereof), hanging out in the AC, going for walks and cuddling
How will he handle the baby: Lucky will do well. He will be curious at first but will adjust just fine. Lucky is very laid back and isn't bothered by much.

The Little Girl:
Age: Will be 4 in November
Hobbies: Pooping indoors, barking, terrorizing Lucky and eating
How will she handle the baby: I think The Little Girl will do so-so with the baby. She will be happy to have a baby in the house but she will definitely have to be separated. She bites everyone she meets but she is misunderstood!! Biting is her way of letting you know she likes you. Thankfully she doesn't bite hard but we will need to keep her away from the baby. Biting the baby is not ok!!
Age: Who knows, she is a stray that was dropped off at our house.
Hobbies: Jumping fences, cleaning Lucky and The Little Girl daily, chasing rabbits, going for rides in the car and pleasing Jason and I
How will she handle the baby: She will think she is the mama!! Lady is very nurturing and we will have nothing to worry about with her.
Age: Will be 6 in December. He is becoming an old man
Hobbies: Sleeping, pooping, cleaning his man parts (or lack thereof), hanging out in the AC, going for walks and cuddling
How will he handle the baby: Lucky will do well. He will be curious at first but will adjust just fine. Lucky is very laid back and isn't bothered by much.
The Little Girl:
Age: Will be 4 in November
Hobbies: Pooping indoors, barking, terrorizing Lucky and eating
How will she handle the baby: I think The Little Girl will do so-so with the baby. She will be happy to have a baby in the house but she will definitely have to be separated. She bites everyone she meets but she is misunderstood!! Biting is her way of letting you know she likes you. Thankfully she doesn't bite hard but we will need to keep her away from the baby. Biting the baby is not ok!!
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