Monday, November 23, 2009
I thought about calling the cops......
Last night I kept waking up to the sound of motorcycles. The noise went on until 2:00 AM and lasted for a few hours. My neighbor has a Harley Davidson and I thought for sure he was having a motorcycle party. I think I called him every curse word in the book. I was totally annoyed that A) he would have a party on Sunday night and B) they would be so inconsiderate to run their motorcycles at 2:00 in the morning. DIDN'T THEY KNOW I WAS 9 MONTHS PREGNANT??! After a few hours of trying to sleep through the noise I was ready to call the cops. Thankfully I was too lazy to get up and get my cell phone and I drifted back off to sleep. It was then that I noticed that wasn't motorcycle engines I was hearing.......that was ME snoring. I think even alone and in the dark my face turned bright red out of embarrassment. Thankfully I realized where the noise was coming from before I called the cops on myself. I would have really felt silly then!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Nursery Update
We are about 95% done with the nursery (good thing since the baby might be here next week!!). We have a few more things to finish up. We need to buy new closet doors since they are currently BRIGHT red (thanks to the previous owners - yuck). Hopefully we will be able to replace them this upcoming week......and they will be white! I also have some shelves that I would like to hang on the wall above the chair.

Anyway, here are some pictures I have taken of the nursery....
Thursday, November 19, 2009
This is Exactly How I Feel
A friend of mine from an internet forum that I frequent sent me a post about her feelings she had the day before she was to be induced. I couldn't have said it any better myself, she has completely captured my emotions right now. While I am super excited to have this baby I am really sad to think I might not be pregnant this time next week. In actuality, I am shocked at how I feel. The last few weeks I thought I was ready to move on to the next stage and have this baby. Just last night I was telling Jason that I can't wait until I go into labor. But now that reality is sinking in I am having second thoughts. Yes, I can't be pregnant for the rest of my life but I did find comfort in thinking I had three weeks left in my pregnancy.
Anyway, enjoy this post from my friend Kate's blog. It is a letter she wrote to her daughter the day before being induced:
"Dear Lily,
You would think after nine months of carrying you, I'd be more prepared for this day. Well, I'm not. I'm still in a bit of disbelief that by this time tomorrow, I will probably be holding you in my arms instead of my belly. I think I'm just not ready to let you go yet.
In a lot of ways, though, I couldn't be more prepared. Your daddy and I have been busy these last few months getting your nursery ready, putting together things like swings and strollers for you, making arrangements for your daycare and your health care. All all of that is done, Lily.
I can't tell you how excited we are to meet you --to see your face for the very first time. I can't wait to hold your tiny hand for the first time or to feel your soft newborn skin for the very first time. Right now I can only imagine the little girl you're going to be. I don't know if you'll be easygoing like your dad or crazy anxious like your mom, but I do know you're going to be your very own little person, and I'm going to love watching every minute of it.
But for now, I really love having you right where you are. It hasn't always been easy to be pregnant, but those difficult moments are lost among the amazing ones. I love carrying you with me everywhere, knowing you're always here with me. I don't know, I guess I love not having to share you with anybody else right now. Right now it's just you and me.
But I know that it couldn't last forever. And I know we're about to move on the the best part. But I just wanted you to know how much I loved this time that we've had together.
See you very soon, baby girl.
After reading this post, I was in tears. This is exactly how I feel. I was beginning to feel a little guilty because I afraid I wasn't excited as I should be. Luckily, I have a week to prepare for the concept of having a baby outside the womb (and a week to enjoy the remainder of my pregnancy)!
Anyway, enjoy this post from my friend Kate's blog. It is a letter she wrote to her daughter the day before being induced:
"Dear Lily,
You would think after nine months of carrying you, I'd be more prepared for this day. Well, I'm not. I'm still in a bit of disbelief that by this time tomorrow, I will probably be holding you in my arms instead of my belly. I think I'm just not ready to let you go yet.
In a lot of ways, though, I couldn't be more prepared. Your daddy and I have been busy these last few months getting your nursery ready, putting together things like swings and strollers for you, making arrangements for your daycare and your health care. All all of that is done, Lily.
I can't tell you how excited we are to meet you --to see your face for the very first time. I can't wait to hold your tiny hand for the first time or to feel your soft newborn skin for the very first time. Right now I can only imagine the little girl you're going to be. I don't know if you'll be easygoing like your dad or crazy anxious like your mom, but I do know you're going to be your very own little person, and I'm going to love watching every minute of it.
But for now, I really love having you right where you are. It hasn't always been easy to be pregnant, but those difficult moments are lost among the amazing ones. I love carrying you with me everywhere, knowing you're always here with me. I don't know, I guess I love not having to share you with anybody else right now. Right now it's just you and me.
But I know that it couldn't last forever. And I know we're about to move on the the best part. But I just wanted you to know how much I loved this time that we've had together.
See you very soon, baby girl.
After reading this post, I was in tears. This is exactly how I feel. I was beginning to feel a little guilty because I afraid I wasn't excited as I should be. Luckily, I have a week to prepare for the concept of having a baby outside the womb (and a week to enjoy the remainder of my pregnancy)!
37 Week Doctors Appointment
I just got back from my 37 week doctors appointment (well, 36 weeks and 5 days) and they informed me they may want to induce me at 38 weeks if my cervix is ready. The doctor did say that they definitely won't let me go past my due date. Apparently, the baby is measuring big and it might be best to help move things along.
Stupid me didn't realize that 38 weeks is next week! It wasn't until I got in the car to call my mom that she reminded me I am 37 weeks pregnant right now.......which means next week I will be 38 weeks pregnant. That news flash hit me like a brick wall! Holy crap, I could have a baby as early as next week!! I don't want to get my hopes up, but it would be perfect timing to have the baby next week when both my parents and Jason's parents are in town for Thanksgiving.
I also spoke with my doctor regarding my birth plan. I told her I am not 100% sure I want an epidural. I want to keep an open mind and prepare myself for a natural child birth. I figure that way I will be mentally prepared if God forbid the epidural doesn't work or I am too far along in my labor to receive one. My doctor did mention that the epidurals administered at my hospital are given in small doses so I will have the ability to respond to what my body is telling me (i.e. - PUSH!!).
I will know more at my next appointment which is next Wednesday.........HOLY CRAP!!
Stupid me didn't realize that 38 weeks is next week! It wasn't until I got in the car to call my mom that she reminded me I am 37 weeks pregnant right now.......which means next week I will be 38 weeks pregnant. That news flash hit me like a brick wall! Holy crap, I could have a baby as early as next week!! I don't want to get my hopes up, but it would be perfect timing to have the baby next week when both my parents and Jason's parents are in town for Thanksgiving.
I also spoke with my doctor regarding my birth plan. I told her I am not 100% sure I want an epidural. I want to keep an open mind and prepare myself for a natural child birth. I figure that way I will be mentally prepared if God forbid the epidural doesn't work or I am too far along in my labor to receive one. My doctor did mention that the epidurals administered at my hospital are given in small doses so I will have the ability to respond to what my body is telling me (i.e. - PUSH!!).
I will know more at my next appointment which is next Wednesday.........HOLY CRAP!!
Pregnancy - Doctors Appointment
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Again.....I am a Crazy First Time Mom!
Once again I called my OB to come in for an unscheduled visit yesterday. This time I was concerned about my swelling (which hasn't let up since week 24 in my pregnancy), my border line high blood pressure reading of 135/80 and my dull headache. I have read up on the internet that these are all symptoms of preeclampsia. Of course, reading up on any disorder will change a normal, level headed person into a hypochondriac, which is exactly what happened to me. Even though my next doctors appointment was two days later I kept thinking of the horror stories people have told me about what can go wrong during pregnancy.

Luckily, my doctor was very accommodating and had me come it right away. After being checked out nothing was wrong with me. My blood pressure was back down to a normal reading of 108 over some other number that I have since forgotten. I felt a little silly about freaking out over my high reading I got at Wal-mart but she assured me those machines are notorious for giving false readings......that made me feel a little less crazy!
The good news is the baby has dropped and is ready in position. I also got to hear the heartbeat which was 144 beats per minute.
I always feel like a bit of a drama queen when I call or come in for a unscheduled appointment. I have a fear that my doctor's office thinks I mistake their phone number for the complaint hot line. Honestly, I don't mind being uncomfortable just as long as the baby is healthy and so am I. I think I apologized to my doctor 100 times in the 7 minute visit I had with her!
Anyway, I will leave you with a picture of my swollen ankle. I have also included a picture of me with skinny ankles to prove that I am not a freak of nature! I am REALLY embarrassed to post this on my blog, but I want to document the good, the bad and the ugly of my pregnancy. I should also apologize for my ugly toes.....I haven't gotten a pedicure is quite some time. I am not about to put my feet and ankles on display in public! Maybe one day Little Baby Jason will have a great appreciation of me! And yes, those are fat rolls on my toes

Pregnancy - Doctors Appointment
I missed my last Lamaze class :(
I had signed up for various child birthing classes and one of which was a Lamaze class that took place every Sunday for 4 weeks. Jason was not super excited about going but I LOVED it!! I really think they should rename the class to "Massage/Watch a Birth Video" class!! I could have lived without the videos but the massages were great! I am seriously trying to plot a way that Jason and I can spend every Sunday at Lamaze class - it was that relaxing! Jason and I were faithful attendees until this last weekend. I think with the excitement of my baby shower and my mom in town, Lamaze class completely slipped my mind!! I felt super guilty about not going afterwards. On Monday, I ran into one of my classmates while shopping at Babies R' Us and she let me know I didn't miss much which made me feel a little better.
I also attended a Breast Feeding class which I would recommend to any new mother to be. Breast Feeding is a more work than I originally thought and I feel better off for attending the class. I decided that Jason didn't have to attend this class with me since it mostly would be only women but I was wrong! I was the only person there who didn't have their husband or boyfriends with them, which was completely shocking to me!!
The last class we signed up for was the Hospital Tour. That class would have been great but I had to stand for two hours straight......there weren't enough chairs. I spent most of my time concentrating on not passing out and not on what the tour guide had to say. But the class was completely worth it when we visited the nursery! It melted my heart to see all the brand spanking new babies!!
I also attended a Breast Feeding class which I would recommend to any new mother to be. Breast Feeding is a more work than I originally thought and I feel better off for attending the class. I decided that Jason didn't have to attend this class with me since it mostly would be only women but I was wrong! I was the only person there who didn't have their husband or boyfriends with them, which was completely shocking to me!!
The last class we signed up for was the Hospital Tour. That class would have been great but I had to stand for two hours straight......there weren't enough chairs. I spent most of my time concentrating on not passing out and not on what the tour guide had to say. But the class was completely worth it when we visited the nursery! It melted my heart to see all the brand spanking new babies!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
36 Week Poll!
How far along? 36 weeks and 3 days. 25 more days to go!

Total weight gain/loss: I am up 40 lbs :(
Maternity Clothes? This weekend I broke down and bought some nursing bras. Other than that, I refuse to waste any more of my money on maternity clothes. I am saving up to spend my money on new skinny girl clothes once I drop the weight!
Stretch Marks: Well, I am afraid to see myself in front of a full length mirror these days so I haven't done a stretch mark inspection in quite some time. I am hoping that I haven't developed anynew stretch marks this week
Sleep: Not so good these days. I am typically a light sleeper and I have now developed a snoring problem. I wake myself up every few minutes when I start to snore.
Best moment this week: This past week was a GREAT week for me! My mom came out to visit, I had a baby shower and we are 99% done with the baby's room!
Food Cravings: Mac n' Cheese
Gender: I am thinking a boy this week
Labor signs: No, I wish! I have Braxton Hicks contractions but I don't count those as labor signs
Belly Button in or out? Neither, it's flat
What I miss: Being 40 lbs lighter! I also miss quality sleep
Weekly Wisdom: Don't let yourself feel too miserable......having a baby is a blessing from God. Sometimes I have to tell myself this three or four times in a row in hopes I can brainwash myself into believing it ;)
I will leave you with a picture of my belly I took last week at my desk. I should note that I am not a good self photographer......but it's the only picture I took that wasn't a boob shot!

I had my Baby Shower this past Sunday!
This past Sunday was a GREAT day! Not only was my mom in town visiting but I also had a baby shower. It was thrown by my wonderful friends Nubia, Stephanie and Sara and they did a GREAT job! It was held at one of the ballrooms at Texas A&M University - Kingsville. The menu was Thanksgiving inspired so we had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and corn. I couldn't have asked for anything better! I am very thankful to have such great friends that came to my shower!
We spent the afternoon playing games and telling funny stories (mostly about my husband). I brought my new camera but unfortunately, I did not check the batteries before leaving the house and it was completely dead. Thankfully Nubia had her camera so I will be sure to post pics when she emails them to me. I will be interested in seeing the pictures. Hopefully I don't look like too much like a drag queen!
We spent the afternoon playing games and telling funny stories (mostly about my husband). I brought my new camera but unfortunately, I did not check the batteries before leaving the house and it was completely dead. Thankfully Nubia had her camera so I will be sure to post pics when she emails them to me. I will be interested in seeing the pictures. Hopefully I don't look like too much like a drag queen!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Exactly 1 month to go!
Today is November 12 and the baby's estimated due date is December, time has flown by! I can't believe that I am four weeks out from my due date. It seems like last week I just found out I was pregnant. I am confident we are ready for the baby (well, as ready as we will ever be). We have bought all the essential items for the baby including a breast pump, a car seat, a crib, a pack n' play and some clothes. After today I think I will officially be done with the baby's room! I just need to paint the bead board that we had professionally installed (I finally got Jason to cave and hire help!).
As anxious as I am to meet the baby part of me is already missing being pregnant. I know it sounds crazy, as most women complain non-stop while being pregnant. Yes, I am uncomfortable with my swelling, weight gain and frequent stops at the bathroom but knowing that our baby is safe and sound in my body gives me a sense of contentment. As long as the both the baby and I are healthy then I feel I have no reason to complain.
I will miss feeling the baby move in my belly. It never fails, I could be completely annoyed by someone at work or from a driver who cut me off but as soon as I feel the baby wiggle a sense of calmness comes over me. It's like a gentle reminder not to sweat the small stuff!
As anxious as I am to meet the baby part of me is already missing being pregnant. I know it sounds crazy, as most women complain non-stop while being pregnant. Yes, I am uncomfortable with my swelling, weight gain and frequent stops at the bathroom but knowing that our baby is safe and sound in my body gives me a sense of contentment. As long as the both the baby and I are healthy then I feel I have no reason to complain.
I will miss feeling the baby move in my belly. It never fails, I could be completely annoyed by someone at work or from a driver who cut me off but as soon as I feel the baby wiggle a sense of calmness comes over me. It's like a gentle reminder not to sweat the small stuff!
Monday, November 9, 2009
35 Week Poll
How far along? 35 weeks and 2 days. Only 33 days to go.....close to one month left. Yikes!
Total weight gain/loss: I would really like to say "no comment" but I will be honest and say 38 lbs. I have been eating HORRIBLY lately!
Maternity clothes? Ugh, I hate maternity clothes. One day (hopefully soon!) I will be able to wear my skinny girl pants again.
Stretch Marks: Surprisingly, with my weight gain I haven't gotten any new stretch marks :)
Sleep: Much, much better these days!
Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat at 156 bpm. Also, feeling the baby move never gets old. It always brings a smile to my face.
Food cravings: French toast.......yuuuummmm
Gender: I still really have no idea. Sometimes I am convinced it's a boy and other times I think I am having a girl
Labor Signs: Just Braxton Hicks contractions
Button in or out? In
What I miss: Having normal size feet and ankles
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy the remainder of the pregnancy and keep a positive outlook. Even though I am not comfortable, misery is half of what I make of it!
Total weight gain/loss: I would really like to say "no comment" but I will be honest and say 38 lbs. I have been eating HORRIBLY lately!
Maternity clothes? Ugh, I hate maternity clothes. One day (hopefully soon!) I will be able to wear my skinny girl pants again.
Stretch Marks: Surprisingly, with my weight gain I haven't gotten any new stretch marks :)
Sleep: Much, much better these days!
Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat at 156 bpm. Also, feeling the baby move never gets old. It always brings a smile to my face.
Food cravings: French toast.......yuuuummmm
Gender: I still really have no idea. Sometimes I am convinced it's a boy and other times I think I am having a girl
Labor Signs: Just Braxton Hicks contractions
Button in or out? In
What I miss: Having normal size feet and ankles
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy the remainder of the pregnancy and keep a positive outlook. Even though I am not comfortable, misery is half of what I make of it!
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