Total weight gain/loss: I am up 40 lbs :(
Maternity Clothes? This weekend I broke down and bought some nursing bras. Other than that, I refuse to waste any more of my money on maternity clothes. I am saving up to spend my money on new skinny girl clothes once I drop the weight!
Stretch Marks: Well, I am afraid to see myself in front of a full length mirror these days so I haven't done a stretch mark inspection in quite some time. I am hoping that I haven't developed anynew stretch marks this week
Sleep: Not so good these days. I am typically a light sleeper and I have now developed a snoring problem. I wake myself up every few minutes when I start to snore.
Best moment this week: This past week was a GREAT week for me! My mom came out to visit, I had a baby shower and we are 99% done with the baby's room!
Food Cravings: Mac n' Cheese
Gender: I am thinking a boy this week
Labor signs: No, I wish! I have Braxton Hicks contractions but I don't count those as labor signs
Belly Button in or out? Neither, it's flat
What I miss: Being 40 lbs lighter! I also miss quality sleep
Weekly Wisdom: Don't let yourself feel too miserable......having a baby is a blessing from God. Sometimes I have to tell myself this three or four times in a row in hopes I can brainwash myself into believing it ;)
I will leave you with a picture of my belly I took last week at my desk. I should note that I am not a good self photographer......but it's the only picture I took that wasn't a boob shot!

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