Luckily, my doctor was very accommodating and had me come it right away. After being checked out nothing was wrong with me. My blood pressure was back down to a normal reading of 108 over some other number that I have since forgotten. I felt a little silly about freaking out over my high reading I got at Wal-mart but she assured me those machines are notorious for giving false readings......that made me feel a little less crazy!
The good news is the baby has dropped and is ready in position. I also got to hear the heartbeat which was 144 beats per minute.
I always feel like a bit of a drama queen when I call or come in for a unscheduled appointment. I have a fear that my doctor's office thinks I mistake their phone number for the complaint hot line. Honestly, I don't mind being uncomfortable just as long as the baby is healthy and so am I. I think I apologized to my doctor 100 times in the 7 minute visit I had with her!
Anyway, I will leave you with a picture of my swollen ankle. I have also included a picture of me with skinny ankles to prove that I am not a freak of nature! I am REALLY embarrassed to post this on my blog, but I want to document the good, the bad and the ugly of my pregnancy. I should also apologize for my ugly toes.....I haven't gotten a pedicure is quite some time. I am not about to put my feet and ankles on display in public! Maybe one day Little Baby Jason will have a great appreciation of me! And yes, those are fat rolls on my toes

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