December 3 - Jason and I meet with Dr. Shoemaker and he informed me that my cervix was progressing and the baby was in head down. He decided that on Monday December 7th I would meet with him again and I would be induced that night. He promised me that I would have a baby by Tuesday December 8 which was wonderful news to us! Jason and I immediately called our parents and they booked their airline tickets out to Texas for the birth of the baby. All I had to do was wait and complete my last preparations for the baby. The weekend was surreal knowing that it would be our last weekend of peace for some time.
December 7 - I had a doctors appointment at 2:30 so I spent the day packing our hospital bag of all the essentials. I also spent the morning remembering my coping techniques that I learned in Lamaze class. I made sure I remained calm and didn't freak myself out about pushing a baby out my crotch later that day. Jason and I headed up to Corpus a little early so we could get something to eat before I would be admitted into the hospital. I was anxious and nervous about what the day had in store for me and I even cried a little on the way to my doctors appointment.
Jason and I meet with Dr. Shoemaker for my examination and sadly I hadn't progressed any since my last appointment and the baby hadn't dropped as low as he would have liked. He told me he wanted to meet with me the following Monday which was December 14 (and both of our parents would have already been back in FL!) to discuss induction then. I was reluctant to speak up but I reminded him of his promise that I would have a baby no later than December 8th and based on that information our parents bought plane tickets. He decided to send me for a growth ultrasound since they previously had been concerned about the size of the baby. It was neat to see my baby for one last time. Once the doctor received the results of the ultrasound he was shocked at how big the baby was measuring......9.5 lbs! After much discussion with the doctor, we decided that a C-Section was the only way to go. I was not thrilled with the idea of a C-Section but I scheduled my appointment for 4 PM on Tuesday December 8th.
On the car ride home from the hospital I cried a little. I was really bummed about having to have a C-Section. I didn't want the long recovery time and plus I was just scared of surgery!
December 8th - I woke up early that day and enjoyed a low key morning with my parents while Jason slept. Before I knew it it was time for me to start getting ready for my big day at the hospital. I had to be at the hospital by 1 PM to get registered and get prepped for surgery. Finally around 4:30 they wheeled be back to surgery. I was given a spinal tab that numbed me from the waist down and some other drug that I don't recall the name of. The anesthesiologist referred to it as "the happy drug" which is exactly what it was. As soon as that drug hit my system I could feel it. I immediately wanted to sleep and I think my eyes rolled back in my head a few times. Unfortunately, the drug took away my ability process my emotions. I had envisioned for months that when I heard "It's a boy/girl" would be the greatest moment of my life but instead I was too much in a daze to process the moment. I did manage to stay alert when they pulled the baby out. Jason got a great picture of me seeing the baby for the first time although I will admit I vaguely remember the moment.
After the baby was born she was whisked up to the nursery and Jason stayed with her the whole time. I was wheeled back to recovery for about an hour or so. This is when my memory really began to fail me. At some point I was taken to my room and was able to hold my baby for the first time. I am really disappointed that I don't remember holding her at all that night. I do know that I did become sick from the pain meds and I threw up....which was not nice considering I just had major surgery a few hours before! Poor Jason, he had to hold the bucket while I threw up!
The first few days in the hospital I was sore, more so than I was prepared for. There were a few moments that I thought I would never have another child because the pain was too much. The first time I got up to walk were the most painful steps of my life! Both my mom and Jason were a huge help to me, the even helped me to the restroom and to the shower. I never thought that my mom would be bathing me at the age of 28! The nurses who took care of me were also great. They really encouraged me to get out of bed and walk around, which made my recovery so much easier. I was really shocked at how well I healed and how quickly I felt like my old self after surgery and I quickly forgot the pain.
Macy and I were discharged late on Friday December 11. Lucky for me, my parents were still in town so it helped to have them around while we made the transition to a family at home.
Here are some pics of the last two weeks....
Me getting ready for surgery:

Me seeing Macy for the first time:
Macy's first picture:
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