Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I don't think I told you this part of the story.....

Back in December I posted my birth story but I left out part of it. When I originally wrote the post I didn't think it was worth mentioning but three months later I still find myself laughing about it. This is a perfect example of why I love my husband and a perfect example of how he can annoy the crap out of me...

On December 7th, when I was waiting for my doctors appointment, my husband noticed some fishing pictures on the wall in the doctor's office. He told me the pictures were taken in Homosassa, FL (which is where his parents have a second home on the Gulf of Mexico). First of all, why he thought the pictures were taken in Homosassa is beyond me. All the pictures captured was my doctor on a boat, holding a fish. The only scenery in the picture were some trees in the landmark indicating they were taken in Homosassa. I told him he was nuts and got a good laugh. Homosassa is a small town on the Gulf Coast of Florida with a population of maybe 15,000. Almost no one has ever heard of this town, even Floridians. It would have been close to impossible that my doctor, who lives in South Texas would have fishing pictures from Homosassa on his office wall. I laughed even harder when my husband told me he was going to ask the doctor about his pictures. I thought he was totally kidding and I jokingly told him "Yeah, go ahead. The doctor will look at you like you have two heads."

I thought that was the end of our discussion about the doctor's fishing pictures......

Fast forward to the end of my doctors appointment that day. The idea of having a C-Section was being tossed around and up until that point my husband had been relatively quiet......I mean what sort of input could he give at the Gynecologists office? None. He was too uncomfortable with the word cervix and placenta being used multiple times in one sentence. So you can see why I was surprised when he spoke up and said "I have a question". Then I remembered our conversation in the waiting room about Homosassa. Jason looked at me and smirked and began to speak. I gave him a glare that could kill and I know he could feel my eyes burning through him. All I could think in my head was don't do it, don't you dare ask about Homosassa. And with that thought I heard Jason say "I saw your fishing pictures on the wall and I was wondering if they were taken in Homosassa, FL?". OMG, I could kill you!! Here I am, with no pants on, trying to grasp the fact that tomorrow I will have major surgery, while I am awake BTW, and you want to know about the doctors effing pictures on the wall??! Hello? Can we get back to my uterus please?!

At that point I just sat on the examination table (did I mention I didn't have any pants on?!) waiting for Jason to shut up. I just rolled my eyes and began to apologize to my doctor about the dumb ass question my husband just asked. Just as I began to speak up, I saw my doctors eyes light up. I thought oh crap, the doctor thinks we are a bunch of idiots. I am about to have my stomach sliced open and my husband wants to talk about fishing. His response of "As a matter of fact yes, that picture was taking in Homosassa, FL" floored me. The two of them went back and forth about fishing guides and fly rods. It was me who looked at them like they had two heads.

The doctor left the room and I got dressed. At this point all I could do was roll my eyes at Jason and give him a dirty look. Jokingly of course. I mean, Jason just did prove me wrong about the pictures. I clearly was the idiot here! I was still in a daze because a) I was going to have a baby in less than 24 hours and b) they are going to cut open uterus and pull the baby out. Yeah, sounds a bit scary, right?! When we were leaving the doctors office, my doctor stopped us to show us more fishing pictures. And again my husband and the doctor went back and forth about fishing guides and fly rods.

Would you think I was joking when I told you that my doctor talked about fishing the next day while I was on the operating table??! Nope. Again, I had to listen about Homosassa, FL!!

At the time it was really all humorous to me. It was interesting that my doctor fishes in Homosassa. haha. I do have to say, my doctor is excellent and is great at what he does.

But now you see how my husband can drive me crazy....

1 comment:

mrs shortcake said...

Wow. That's hilarious! :)